- She is endowed with goodlooks. 她天生丽质。
- She is endowed with great writing ability. 她具有杰出的写作天赋。
- She is endowed with film star looks. 大家认为她具有影星的长相。
- She is endowed with great musical ability. 她的音乐天赋很高。
- She is endowed with both wit and beauty. 这女子天赋才貌双全。
- He is endowed with a gift in music by nature. 他天生有音乐才能。
- He is endowed with literary talent. 他有文学天分。
- She is endowed with good looks. 她天生丽质。
- He is endowed with an inventive mind. 他天生具有发明才能。
- Juliette is a sensitive and emotional girl. She is willing to sacrifice for love, and regards love as a necessity for life. A girl is endowed with kindness and innocence. 多愁善感的女孩,同时也很情绪化,愿意为爱情牺牲,把爱情是为生命中的必需品,个性善良、单纯。
- He is endowed with indomitable will. 他有不屈不挠的意志。
- The girl is endowed with brightness. 这个女孩天资颖慧。
- The country is endowed with rich natural resources. 该国有很丰富的自然资源。
- The girl is endowed with both beauty and brains. 这个姑娘天生美丽聪颖。
- This young man is endowed with artistic talent. 这位年轻人具有艺术才能。
- The kid is endowed with a painting mind. 这个小孩子有绘画方面的天赋。
- Life is a precious stone, which is endowed with mankind by nature. 生命,那是自然付给人类去雕琢的宝石。
- The cross is endowed with a special meaning for Christians. 对基督教徒来说, 十字架被赋予了特殊意义。
- Turkmenistan is endowed with rich oil and natural gas resources. 土库曼斯坦油气资源十分丰富。
- Born in 1937 in Paris, Marosi is endowed with artistic talent. 这位在1937生于巴黎的艺术家自幼具备绘画天赋。